Monday, April 4, 2011

One Time!

So I just finished up my session with an email from Pokerstars:

Hello iiimJEEESUS,

We have received a complaint regarding your use of inappropriate language at our tables. After reviewing the chat log (see below), it was decided to suspend your chat privileges for a period of one month. Your language was highly offensive and completely unacceptable.

Our goal at PokerStars is to be a fun place to play, where everyone can feel comfortable. Foul language and abuse of other players takes away from everyone's enjoyment, and therefore will not be permitted.

Please note that you may not be the only one receiving a message such as this. When we receive a chat complaint, we review the entire chat of all players at the table. If any other players at the table were in violation of PokerStars' chat rules, they were also warned or had their chat suspended.

Your chat privileges will be automatically reinstated in one month.


PokerStars Support Team
899676956 iiimJEEESUS nice hand you piece of garbage fed 1 4/4/2011 7:54:17 PM

So I sent them a quick response:

To Whom It May Concern,

This latest chat ban is ridiculous. Fedigan has insulted races, sexuality, gender, and everything else known to man. I beat him in a pot and I simply called him what he has referred to me several times as, which is "a piece of garbage". When I reported Fedigan for similar acts, I was told by your Pokerstars support team that I could simply "turn off my chat if i was offended". Therefore, I was under the impression referring to someone as "a piece of garbage" was allowed. I now know that such language is unacceptable and am asking for a smaller chat ban (1 week or so) or to have my chat reinstated immediately.

Please note, I am on pace for supernova elite this year (240,000 vpps) and have paid approximately $40,000 in rake so far, and as such, I deserve special consideration.

Thank you.


  1. loooooooooooooooool @ Fedigan being offended of all people....too much

  2. Listen you little fucking bitch...I could care less what the hell you say about me, but start fucking with me and I'll fuck with you right back...You are a piece of shit plain and simple...I can buy your stupid sorry ass over about a million times...I've noticed you've been full stacking the games recently...What happened, did the fleet come in and you were able to suck some fucking cock to get the money? Looks like you would enjoy it from your picture...Fucking faggot...Probably right because you can't play poker for fucking shit...Keep playing that 8 and 8 style...

    You're just another internet tough guy who sits behind his computer masturbating that he can talk tough with no repercussions...Because son you wouldn't have the fucking balls to say any of this shit to my face, although I welcome you to try...

    Keep grinding out that rakeback, nothing like "playing poker" like you do...Go fuck yourself, faggot...

  3. 3 things Fed:

    1. I'll be at the WSOP this year. I'll say it to your face then

    2. Glad to see you read the blog. You're pathetic.

    3. Never said i was a poker player, but the money is good.

  4. And didnt know you did live journal Frodo. You're as sensitive as I thought.

  5. 1. LOL, yeah right you fucking faggot...Nice hat bitch...See I actually have a real job where I make more money than you ever will in your sorry work-a-day life...I enjoy poker because I get to take rent money off of faggots like you and piss it away on bottle service and expensive dinners in NYC...Thanks, bitch..
    2. LOL again...I don't read your pathetic fucking whiny bitch blog...Somebody happened to point out you were talking shit like a little bitch so I felt the need to tell you how worthless and meaningless you truly are...
    3. Wow a PLO8 player who says something that makes sense...Good for you man! Admit that you're a fucking rakeback monkey...LOL again...

    Might have to start reading your little bitch of a blog, the LOLs are something that I don't get in the trading world on a daily basis...

    Now get back in your fucking hole you little bitch....

  6. Fed,

    You dont get to ranting like a 13 year old little girl by being happy with your life (Which clearly you aren't). Bottle service and dinners in NYC once a month... Is that supposed to impress me?

    Obviously you got deep issues and have a huge inability to express yourself without sounding like a 13 year old donk. Try to do a comeback without using the Fuck word every sentence.

  7. And Fed,

    The real question here is, if you make so much money, why do you play poker nightly, including friday nights on many occasions? When I finish up from my "pathetic rakeback grind", you're always firing up a session. So why would you waste the time to come on and take my rent money when you got bottle service and expensive dinners to go to?

  8. Awesome: Winning money from the fish & nits
    Garbage: Whining about every pot you lose, & rubbing it in peoples faces no matter how far you were ahead (idiots/range)/behind(you sucked out) when you win.

    Awesome: Having a real job, as I'm sure many people would be quite jealous of this.
    Garbage: Having a real job that apparently pays quite well, & multi-tabling busto stake poker in much of your free time. Topping it off by bitching about the warriors that wake up at the crack of noon, & do it for real.

    Awesome: Reading a blog because you're truly interested in the content, or simply like someone's POV.
    Garbage: Taking the time out of your busy day of apparently making loads of cash, to read a blog from someone you apparently don't like. Furthermore, doing so simply to pathetically attempt to insult them as much as possible.

    Awesome: Truly pwning an antagonist with wit, cunning, & honor.
    Garbage: Being a Tattletale

    Awesome: You're in Elementary school, & razz someone by saying they have had or enjoy sex with the same sex.
    Garbage: Doing so after the age of 12, in a manor that suggests you're going to hurt their feeling by saying so.

    Garbage gonna Garbage IMO

  9. :D this guy is using the f word more often than me, amazing, lol

    sick chatban anyway, these 1 monthbans are just ridicolus long, but you play better poker if you don´t use the chat i remind so :)

  10. wish i had chat ban so i dont have to respond to people. lol ive called people worse and havnt got shit.

  11. That basically sums it up stikr.

    Best line:
    "You're just another internet tough guy who sits behind his computer masturbating that he can talk tough with no repercussions...Because son you wouldn't have the fucking balls to say any of this shit to my face, although I welcome you to try..."

    Oh no son, repercussions!

  12. LOL, all the regs masturbating with each other how cute...

    Hey Strik, who did you get to type up that eloquent (you might need to look that word up) response up? Fucking high school dropout!! LOL!! What fucking pathetic loser is a high school dropout nowadays!! LOL...

    GO fuck yourself you pathetic white trash piece of shit...I would wish death on you but that's money that comes out of my pocket...

    And why I play "broke stakes" poker...Because none of you guys would ever man up and play me...Or don't you recall that you sit out every table with me when it gets shorthanded...

    What are you scrrrrrrrrrrrrd you fucking little bitch...

  13. LOL chickenPOTpie!

    Wow so cool you have POT capitalized in your name!! Can I be cool like you?

    You're just some fucking punkass, mark-ass bitch who will never have the wealth or intelligence that I possess...

    Let me know how close you get to the Ivy League bitch...I'm sure Harvard can use a janitor with your excellent linguistic (there's another word for you to look up Strik, remember READING IS FUNDAMENTAL...HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT....BAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! SERIOUSLY JUST FUCKING OFF YOURSELF YOU PATHETIC FUCKING LOSER!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...)

    I'll be a millionaire by time I'm 30, how 'bout you? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...

    And for those of you wonder why I play poker when I have a great job...YOU DUMB FUCKS ARE FREE MONEY...WHY WOULDN'T I?!??! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...

    I appreciate you all for making me rich, buying me an M5 and X5 and eventually a nice fat house in one of the richest counties in America...Eat shit and die you fucking faggot bitches...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLL

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Wow just wow! I love when someone attempts to bash someone in writing about their intelligence but in doing so they forgot to use a grammar check on their incorrectly worded sentences. I feel that I have just lost brain cells while trying to decipher what your pea sized brain was trying to relay to the people your comments were directed to. Also, truly successful people do not walk around with their dick's hanging out wanting every one to look. Being that you pointed out your wealth and success, that is a clear indication that you truly do not possess either of them. Maybe one day "son" you will grow up and live a meaningful life but as I see it from the few posts I have read I am highly doubting that this will ever happen.

  16. Why don't you ever jump in the 3/6 fed? There's about 15 running right now. What, too many faggots at the table?

    Barbiaux, you are wrong. He went to Villanova undergrad, and Yale Business school! Why wouldn't he flaunt those prestigious credentials? His "ivey league" intelligence is too much for your puny brain. On top of that, he's living the dream of bashing every person he comes into contact with. Why have a normal life when you can go on pokerstars in your free time and harass 1/2 players? He's going to be a millionaire and drive an X5, I don't think you can top that.

  17. LOL chicken...

    I love how you bash me for having a degree from Yale...Jealous much you fucking piece of dogshit...

    What kinda car are you driving? Beat up Honda...Fucking sucks to be you...But you just keep grinding out that book money and then bitching like a little girl when you lose...Waaaaaaaah I'm running so much below EV...Jesus Christ you are a whiny mother fucking bitch...I'm so unlucky that you couldn't get shot one fucking time by a gang member while you went to USC...LOL...Let me know when you get a degree from a real university then talk FAGGOT...

    Let me know if there's ever any 3/6 pot limit games that aren't infested with a bunch of 20BB "poker players"...I know those kidna games work for you guys because you couldn't add 2 and 2, but why the hell would I play those when it turns into flipping coins...I know you dumb fucks like to flip coins because you don't have to think...

    Later faggots, eat shit and die...

  18. LOL...God this is why I love the O8 community...Full of a bunch of dumb fucks...Seriously if you guys pulled your collective brain cells you STILL wouldn't be anywhere close to as smart as I am...

    Hey Barb, I'm willing to bet on whatever you want about my life...Degree from Yale, wealth, cars, job, income, whatever you want...

    You just ask Immmm where you can go suck some cock to get the money to bet me you low rent mother fucker...Let me know when you put together some sum that would make it worth my time to gather all this info up...

    Keep griding those cheeeeeeeeeeeezeburger stakes you piece of fucking dogshit...

    Eat shit and die, faggot...

  19. You really are a homophobe. If you want to insult someone maybe you should try an adult approach instead of throwing slurs around. Is that what they taught you at the pretentious school you went to? BTW I couldn't care less where you received a degree from. O'well maybe one day we can all live up to the standards of an asshole like yourself.

  20. ah, I see you stalk me too.

    I guess NL isn't for everyone. Though it is obviously profitable (if you noticed the multiple 4 figure stacks on each table with maybe 2-3 short stackers.) 25. Villanova, 80th? If I didn't go to a real university, I don't know what that makes Villanova. Or maybe the people who rank them are all faggots too. And I've never heard the gang reference before, clever!

    Though it is funny that you still talk like a 13 year old, I don't know, maybe it's the Napoleon complex.

  21. i was actually thinking about the Napoleon Complex myself. Would make sence. Poor boy with a leak of intelligence obv.
    And yea, meet up at WSOP. im a semi pro MMA fighter and would love to hear from u that i wouldn't say it to your face NOW.
