Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First Quarter Progress

Well 1st quarter is pretty much over and I'm slightly behind pace at 222,174 VPPs for the year. I'm going to pick up the pace in April (not lying this time). I don't really have a choice since May-July is gonna be really busy (lots of weddings and, more importantly, bachelor parties and, even more importantly, WSOP).

April needs to be a 6-figure VPP month. My goal is 108k VPPs- an average of 4,300/day on weekdays and 2,500 per weekend.

In other news, I've started full-stacking again and am considering upping my limits. The VPP rate at .5/1 and 1/2 is shit compared to 2/4. I've definitely got the roll- just need to not run like shit and/or play like shit. I also put in a marathon day yesterday/today in hopes of hitting a milestone hand (obviously failed at that).

Some stats:
  • Hands played this year: 615,415 (on my desktop- not counting the day or so I've put in on my laptop)
  • VPPs/hand: 0.36
  • Hours played: 520
If I can start mixing in some 2/4 and 3/6 again and get that VPP rate up to even 0.5/hand, that would be huge.

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